Friday, May 2, 2008


So, I feel pretty confident that few people even KNOW about my blog, but sure enough, as soon as I post something like this, I will HEAR FROM EVERYONE because someone is bound to KNOW (or actually BE) one of the people I'm about to mention.

IF you're an IDIOT, please step right up to the plate. I have a bone to pick with you...hell, I have a bone I'd like to throw AT YOU.

God Bless America...really...seriously..."Land of opportunity..." and home of the network marketing venture. Seriously, IF YOU DON'T HAVE A REAL TALENT OR REAL KNOWLEDGE, THEN PLEASE DON'T BE IGNORANT ENOUGH TO THINK THAT YOU CAN "GET RICH QUICK" BECAUSE YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS THE TALENT OR KNOWLEDGE! I spent over an hour today with an "investor." ...or so he told me...EVIDENTLY, there is a "group of investors," who meet in Greenville to discuss ways to buy, flip and rent houses--don't worry--don't put your "bored wall" up--I'm not going into details for THAT song and any rate, this is a TRUE STORY: so, this KID, calls me and asks me to search comps because he's an investor and he plans on making tons of offers on houses. Now, traditionally-speaking, in Anderson, we don't buy houses the same way your order your "whopper with fries, please"--there's a pre-qualification process...a research of debt to income ratio...blah, blah, blah...and let's ALSO go ahead and address the fact that when (as Americans), we hear the word INVESTOR, we think of...oh...say...DONALD know the type--professional, savvy, affluent...INTELLIGENT. So, this Kid calls me with all kinds of "umph" and asks to meet with me. "GREAT IDEA," I say...he shows up and I say, "Ok, so let's talk about your cash flow options, money down and what you're trying to accomplish." and here's his story (I am NOT joking): "Well, right now, I'm buying FOR my investors. I live with my Grandma. And I sell coupon books. But I do play Robert Kiyosaki's "Cash Flow" GAME. So, I know of a guy, who bought a whole bunch of houses for like $35,000 each and he's like, supposedly doing good so I want to see about doing that." Of course, I ask this young entrepreneur HOW MUCH EXPERIENCE HE'S HAD DOING THIS...and now that he's told me he HAS INVESTORS, I ask HOW MANY...and I ask all the necessary (boring) real estate PROFIT which he replied "well, really, i have a list of like 1000 investors--i just make offers and they show up FOR ME and buy the houses. and i never asked about all the other stuff so maybe i should...right Tammy?" I SWEAR--I wanted the ground to open up beneath me and EAT ME. I really wanted to hear the "om nom nom nom" sound as the earth gobbled me up. Moreover, I wanted to yell, "GET A REAL DAMN JOB! STOP BEING AN IDIOT AND BELIEVING THAT IT'S REALLY THAT EASY TO MAKE SO MUCH MONEY!'" What is it with network marketing and the people, who buy into it?! If making "all that money" were REALLY that easy, WHY THE HELL WOULD EVERYONE IN AMERICA BE WORKING OR SACRIFICING TO OWN THEIR OWN BUSINESS? The people, who MAKE the money doing those things are the people, who were BRAVE ENOUGH ENTREPRENEURS to come up with those ideas! The rest of you are just the dumb saps BUYING INTO THEIR great ideas!

Here is my advice: get a job. study the WISE and wealthy buisness men and women, who have gone before you. then, CREATE some great plan...and go after it. GUESS WHAT? Your friends in the FIRST GRADE didn't like it when you were a "copy cat..." and the smart men and women, who have made the big bucks don't like it either!

i'm not really as bitter and angry as this sounds...i happen to find ignorance AMUSING. and really, i have this soft spot in my heart that hates seeing people be stupid. awww.


Kail C. said...

Hola Tammy!

Beth Anne said...

I love idiots...they make me feel wicked smart :)

KMM said...

Geez Tam. Calm down. Gosh! Hahahahaha. Bitter? That adjective never crossed my mind.