Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Writer's Block

So, needless to say that even IF it turns out that I'm not destined to be in Sales, I won't be quitting my day job to be a writer...only a handful of blogs down, and I'm already drawing a blank!

BUT (THANKFULLY), I stumbled upon an amazing thing today: a MENTAL VACATION! Yes, that does SOUND lame, but I promise that my divinely profound explanation will bring it all full circle. So, for five years now, I have pursued the full commission career. And what does that mean, you may be asking...DOLLAR SIGNS...MAJOR MOOLAH...RICHES GALORE! YES? No. I wish. And because of my chosen industry, I work 50 hours a week and am afraid the SMALLEST VACATION OR EVEN SIESTA might undo all of my hard work. So what do I do? WORK. AND WORK MORE. No early to bed, just early to rise. No early long beach trips. Nothing.

BUT I am finally seeing the BENEFIT of personal time. I worked all morning and early afternoon today, but I stopped working at around 3 and just spent time with a friend...I did a FEW, SMALL things for work, but basically, I embraced a vegitative state...totally refreshing. In fact, I'm proclaiming a few hours TO MYSELF EVERY WEEK. NO WORK. MENTAL SOLACE...WASTED TIME! WOOOO-HOOOOO! I even splurged and ate pizza! Yes, to hell with the Diet gods! My girlish figure can surely withstand the grease and carbs for ONE meal a week...and it was goooo-ooood. And THAT, my friend, is my incredibly profound life lesson--take some time off--it will make you smile a little more...and to VALIDATE this thought, I'm going to spin it: time off=smiles=increased seratonin levels=greater happiness=longevity and health...and the cycle of life is healthy.

"Live Long and Prosoper."
-Vulcan Salute (minus the pointy ears)

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