Thursday, June 26, 2008


KOM-UN-I-KATE! communicate. say what you mean and mean what you say. Perception IS more important than reality, but come on, Kids...cut the world a break! Don't always ASSuME someone knows what you're you feel...or "what you mean..." because 9 times out of 10, they don't! and we ALL communicate what keeps you from looking like a monster and being able to deliver your thoughts clearly? 2 shots of bacardi and a nap...KIDDING!! No, seriously...try to actually UNDERSTAND what the other person is saying by noticing their BODY LANGUAGE, FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, TONE AND INFLECTION. Most of what is communicated is unspoken...with that said...make sure your ATTITUDE is appropriate for the response...yes, this does sound like psycho mumbo-jumbo...but it's not...for example, if someone says to me, "Tammy, I think you could try it this way" (and their eyebrows are furrowed, their cheeks are red and their hands are on their hips), rest assured they're a little peeved at it would NOT be an apporpriate time for me to say, "Well, what I was TRYING to do was..." they don't really CARE what i was trying to do...there is already a problem and they just want a solution. in the words of the deep south...GIT ER DONE!

a few disclaimers:

one: the title is not reflective of the blog...i was going to talk about something else...but well, i changed my mind...but i loved the i kept it!

two: yes, sometimes i capitalize sentences and sometimes i don't...sue me.

three: I DO know that my grammar above was incorrect...when talking about a single person, you say HE or opposed to "their or them"...but well, i couldn't decide if i wanted the other person to be a boy or girl...and i didn't feel like typing he/she every time...AND i know you can start with he or she and they default to just a He OR a she...but i didn't want to do that either....voile!

i hope this was somewhat helpful...of course, this IS the diary of a madwoman. :)

Monday, June 23, 2008


So, there are two sides to this coin...first, if I had a penny for every time someone said, "TAKE A BREATH, TAMMY!," I would be independently wealthy and well on my way to some tropical island. In case you've stumbled upon this wildly popular blog and have never had the incredible experience of talking to me, you don't know how fast OR how MUCH I talk! And when I say INCREDIBLE experience, I do mean INCREDIBLE...not INCREDIBLE like "deeply fabulous," but incredible like...WHOA. I have this excitement level that can only be satisfied by MASS AMOUNTS OF TALKING AT RIDICULOUS SPEEDS...and I DO tell myself "to slooooow down...and let the other person..." but darn it if my excitement doesn't get the best of me.


Recently, a VERY dear person, whom I ADMIRE told me that "I never let him talk." He proceeded to tell me that I LECTURE and THEN ask him if he'd like to say a few words. WHAT?!! &*@$% no way! SO...WHAT DID I DO? duh...I QUICKLY began my LECTURE in DEFENSE of his ludacris statement!! maybe there was some validity to his statement. AND THAT WAS NOT GOOD.


Pause...before you speak...

Pause...while you speak...

Pause...when you don't want to...

because, YOU my dear (and ME) are NOT the MYSTERY...the person you're talking TO is...let him or her SPEAK. You can't be engaging if all they hear is "blah, blah, blah..."

YES, YES...You ARE deeply fabulous...but let them tell you how fabulous they are first.

Signing Off,
Fellow Ex-Non-Pauser.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Early Birthday!! (It's almost the birthday of my one month blog sabatacle!!)

The Princess of Particulars is...PARTICULARLY slack! Yes, yes, I admit discipline for blogging has been...meh, eh, bleck! I have been busy, busy, busy...and yet...nothing spectacular can be said! What is the problem?? A word to the wise: DON'T GET IN A RUT...spoken by the unwise and from the mouth of babes!! How do you do this?? THAT IS THE QUEST, FRIENDS. (Where are my Monty Python links?!) Be excited about something. Be motivated by that something. Don't give up on the pursuit. It's sooooo fact TOOOOO EASY to forget the goal...and then get stuck in the RUT OF LIFE: go to bed, wake up, eat, shower, go to work (or school for you lucky few), end your day with dinner, be a domestic goddess (oh, maybe that's just me), get ready for bed...RINSE AND REPEAT.

DON'T DO IT. RESIST THE URGE. Be legendary. Go forth, sassy jedi's. Live long and prosper. :)