Sunday, April 27, 2008

The First Ever!

So, this is my very first blog. I love to this makes sense. I also love to read the thoughts of OTHER INTERESTING PEOPLE. I am a student and practicioner of PEOPLE. Sounds simple enough, huh? I am also a freak when it comes to good grammar and syntax, but I'm going to resist the urge for structure and just write...after all, it's first impressions that count...not first blogs!

This isn't Myspace so I don't claim to be "here for friends," BUT age has taught me one thing: THERE REALLY IS A LOT I DON'T KNOW. And knowing that IS A REMINDER that the more I learn from other ENGAGING PEOPLE, the better off I am. So, that's my mission: to get to know YOU. Really--if you're reading this...Why? There's a reason you found me...and surely, there's one reason for me to know YOU. Tell me something...anything...oh, but keep it PG-13, child might read this one day...he's four years old right, short of his name, he's kind of limited on his reading ability...I'd like anything archived online to keep me on the pedestal in his peanut-butter-and-jelly-world. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Tammy!
WOW! When you do it, you do it up big!! Don't take that the wrong way. ;) I enjoyed your blog. I only THOUGHT I knew you! :)