Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Trust me when I say that this is not one gift you will want to return. However, I would HIGHLY ADVISE re-gifting. AFFIRMATION. You know, we ALL love to hear what we do well...but how many of us run through our days without the slightest acknowledgement of the services being provided to us? I was thinking about this today--it's SO EASY to laud a child for an act of service because it's noticeable--I mean, the first time Bradley ever picked up a toy, I swear the heavens opened up and rays of sunshine beat onto my face. Now, when he puts his clothes into his laundry basket or tosses his mangled, spaghetti-stained napkin into the garbage, I am grateful BECAUSE IT'S SOMETHING I'M NOT DOING--what a gift! It's easy for me to notice the helpful things he can do because that is something he COULD NOT do before. But how many times do we fail to acknowledge a friend? a spouse? a family member? a co-worker? a secretary? ALL THE TIME--I mean, I do at least. At it's not out of being intentionally selfish...but in this life of "now's" and instant gratification, it's so easy to look past all the things people are doing for us. So, "STOP, COLLABORATE AND LISTEN:" take time to notice SOMEONE today...and thank them...for taking out the trash, allowing you to walk through the door first, and all the other LITTLE things. It will make the other person feel AFFIRMED, and it will make you feel good. All warm and fuzzy. Aww. That's sweet.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Yes, I still flirt with Insomnia

It's 3:22 in the morning, and I have NO GOOD REASON for being awake. I did take Excedrin (something) earlier, and it's a known fact that the SMALLEST doseage of Caffeine will take me to the ends of the Earth and Back. So, being that caffeine is one of the active ingredients...VOILE.

Anyway, in my state of awakeness, I have really reflected on PERSONAL IMPACT. What does that mean, you are wondering? It's a known fact that people want to be remembered for GOOD things, when they're dead and gone. There are a few people, who are strange and SAY that they don't care "how people remember them," but the majority of people want to be remembered as something remarkable. They want to be known as "the MOST giving, the MOST altruistic, the MOST kind, the MOST loving, the MOST HONEST, the BEST son, the BEST daughter, the BEST Mother, the BEST Father, the smartest...and so on." So, the question is, HOW DO YOU ENSURE THAT HAPPENS?

1. Keep yourself in check. What are your priorities? Are other people and their needs BEFORE yours or are YOU numero UNO?
2. Do you have friends so YOU can talk or so THEY can be heard?
3. Are you reading? (and allow me to be brave and say EVERY day...try just 15 minutes a day).
4. Are you calling your friends and family members and MAKING the time to visit them. It's a well-known fact that "people don't care how much you know until you know how much you care." I know I've mentioned that before, but it's worth mentioning again.
5. Is the miscommunication about ARGUING to make your point or LISTENING to understand theirs?
6. Understanding BALANCE. Listen, I battle this DAILY. I live by the motto, "I can sleep when I'm dead"...hence the post at 3:30 in the morning. But while there has to be a ton of time for SAVING THE WORLD, there also has to be time set aside to RESCUE you.

Do all these things make you A LEGEND? No. But they give you peace of mind...and direction...and they keep you in touch with the people, WHO ARE GOING TO BE THE ONES THAT REMEMBER YOU WHEN YOU'RE GONE. Balance and is the KEY to enjoying life as opposed to just getting by. Nothing is more disconcerting than to ask someone how they're doing and hear, "Oh, I'm just getting by." WHAT A SAD WAY TO LIVE LIFE. Seriously...we live on a planet with BILLIONS of hugely diverse people...a planet where knowledge, power and fun can be progress cooperatively. So WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO JUST "GET BY??" Seize the MOMENT! Enjoy the DAY! Live every day down to last second! Breathe peace.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


So, I sincerely debated titling this blog entry "because I said so..." NOT as some statement, but because I tend to lack continuity and in essense "sense" in my blogs. Lots of people have blogs with a purpose: there are cooking blogs, couple blogs, family blogs, career blogs, hairstyle blogs, blogs, blogs, so much...I wouldn't say I was on the THEME PURPOSE TRAIN.

AND I have NOT been away because I have been lazy (for once)...if you don't already know the tragedy that struck my life about a month ago, I will take that circe and run with it, but if you do, then you know that I have been the target of some pretty negative...crap...this is NOT me whining about is what it is...but after someone cruely commented on the contents of my blog, I thought, "why add insult to injury?" No one enjoys persecution--justified or not...from a friend or from an enemy...with knowledge or's defeating...

Life, as I know it, has seen intense changes and yes, details will follow in the future. I will say that I don't even PREFER beef stew, but the crockpot is a miraculous invention, and I recently decided to embrace it. At any rate, I just tasted the said beef stew and allow me to simply say, YUM. The meat is falling apart...potatoes are the perfectly seasoned carb...carrots (bleck) are tiny enough to be in existence (you're welcome, Grandma), but they aren't noticeable (hooray!). I am delighted in my achievement...and I'm onto baking ZUCCHINI CRAB CAKES...don't let the painfully gross title derail you--they are fantastic.

Alright, my moment of nonsense has passed, and i feel totally satisfied with the things I've shared. Purpose and Good Blogs to follow...and happiness to ensue.

Later Gators.